Коли мова йде про здоров’я зубів, багато батьків схильні ігнорувати важливість лікування карієсу на молочних зубах. Адже ці зуби тимчасові і з часом випадуть, звільнивши місце постійним. Однак нехтування карієсом на молочних зубах може мати серйозні наслідки для здоров’я...
Almost every day, I receive questions from concerned mothers about the growing addiction of their children to gadgets, phones, cartoons, and computer games. In today's digital age, it is becoming increasingly common for children to spend a significant amount...
Television has become an integral part of our daily lives, providing entertainment, information, and educational content. However, it is important to establish healthy boundaries when it comes to the amount of time children spend watching TV. This article aims...
Are you worried that having kids will ruin your relationship? Let's debunk this common myth once and for all! While raising children brings its own set of challenges, it doesn't have to spell disaster for your partnership. In this...
Growing up as the child of doctors was like having a backstage pass to the world of healthcare. From stethoscopes to medical journals, my childhood was immersed in a culture of healing and compassion. But beyond the white coats...